Gross Value Added (GVA) per head by Local Authority and most deprived neighbourhoods; England and Wales;

The most deprived neighbourhoods are found in every part of the UK:

More than half of people living in the 10% most deprived neighbourhoods are found outside the North of England (36% in the rest of England, 15% in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland).


Some of the highest levels of deprivation are found in some of the wealthiest areas of the country:

18% of the most deprived people in the most deprived neighbourhoods – 1.15 million people – in the UK are living in local authorities with the highest economic output.

The above map shows two separate measures: the shading shows the Gross Value Added per capita (a measure of economic activity) split into quintiles across the UK whilst the coloured dots show the most (turquoise) and least (black) deprived 10% of neighbourhoods in each of the four home nations. There is a pattern that high levels of economic activity are present in large cities throughout the UK, but that this prosperity only spreads beyond the cities in the certain areas, such as the South East of England and the West Midlands. There are areas of both high and low deprivation across the country, but there are notable clusters of low deprivation in places such as the Home Counties and Edinburgh and high deprivation in the North of England and Welsh valleys.

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The Covid Recovery Commission’s work is now finished. The Secretariat was provided by WPI Strategy and the analysis conducted by WPI Economics. If you would like to find out more about their work please contact or