Shell: upskilling from oil to AI

Digitalisation is transforming the energy industry and within Shell, the pace of digital change is picking up at an almost exponential rate.

The UK is an important hub for Shell’s digitalisation capability, offering a diverse talent pool, a strong talent pipeline from British universities, and London as a global AI hub. Shell’s AI team are continuously monitoring trends and innovations within the technology landscape and translating these to tangible and actionable skills requirements. Providers such as Udacity are supporting our experts to deepen their knowledge to keep up with the latest technical advancements in their field.

Additionally, Shell sees huge potential in making AI accessible to employees who may not come from a traditional data science background. These ‘citizen data scientists’, as we call them, could be petroleum engineers or process engineers by trade. But their strengths in mathematics and science can make them great candidates for upskilling in AI and data science to help them do their jobs more effectively and broaden their talents overall.

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