Our engagement

In addition to our high profile Commissioners, Policy Panel and Advisory Group, we would like to thank the numerous experts and stakeholder groups who contributed to our work including by providing written evidence, contributing to our workshops or helping assess our proposals. Please note that not all contributors are listed as some preferred to contribute privately.
They include:
- All Party Parliamentary Group for Events and the Business Visits & Events Partnership
- BitC
- Country Land and Business Association
- Demos
- Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
- Financial Services Skills Taskforce
- Green Finance Institute
- Indepedent FinTech Review
- Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
- Institute of the Motor Industry
- New Economics Foundation (NEF)
- Northern Policy Foundation
- Open University
- Open University
- Pfizer
- Power to Change
- Salary Finance
- Social Mobility Foundation and Department for Opportunities
- The Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
- White Hat
Want to learn more? Get in touch
The Covid Recovery Commission’s work is now finished. The Secretariat was provided by WPI Strategy and the analysis conducted by WPI Economics. If you would like to find out more about their work please contact Nick@wpi-strategy.com or Matthew@wpieconomics.com